Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring Fever

I have a really bad case of spring fever. It has been sooo nice the last few days. Now it's going to get cool and rain again. I am so ready for spring. That is my favorite time of the year. That and fall. I love sitting outside in my hammock swing and feeling the breeze. The girls especially like this time of year. They are able to spend their time outside playing. That also benefits me!
I need to do some major spring cleaning! This house needs a good once over. But don't all, especially when you have kids! I need to get my dining room back in order. I have had girl scout cookies sitting in there for about a month now. That is almost over and I can get things put back in place.
Hopefully we will be going to the beach for a weekend real soon. I can't wait! I love the beach in the spring. My dad has a condo in Surfside so we can pretty much go when we want as long as he doesn't have it rented.

Everyone has been doing very well. No one is sick again(knock on wood). I have been having some sinus trouble but I am now on an antibiotic so I am getting a little better.
Chris is getting ready to go back on that horrible swing shift at Bowater. At least he has a job. Not that much has been going on. Just the normal day to day things that keeps everyone busy.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The girls love dressing Bella up and riding her around the house

Vanessa all smiles!
Lauren being lazy while I was cleaning
They love dressing Bella up