Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cold and Flu

Well, it has hit! Both my girls have been sick for the last week and a half. First, Vanessa was out of school all last week with fever, cough, congestion, and just feeling plain yucky. The doctor thought for sure she had the flu but the test came back negative. She did say there are some new strains that aren't picking up on the test so still thought she had the flu or viral infection. She was litteraly sick for 7 days. She gets better, we go out for our anniversary....then what happens? Lauren starts running a fever Sunday night. And of course when I took her to the doctor Monday...same as Vanessa. Negative flu test. She has been out of school all this week. And have I mentioned that I haven't been able to work since the Friday before Valentine's Day? So for almost 2 weeks now I have given meds, taken temps, and traveled back and forth to the doctor. Don't get me wrong, I want to be there for my kids when they are sick. We all know they always want mommy. BUT, not for 2 weeks. I have never seen them sick for this long. So needless to say, the last few days I have been disinfecting my house from top to bottom. I clean everything with bleach. I have sprayed every door knob, light switch, remote, and anything else they touch with lysol. Vanessa came home from school today and the first thing I made her do was wash her hands. Which is something that should be done all the time with all the germs that are in the schools. I'm thankful I work for such understanding people. Otherwise I would probably be fired by now. Hopefully this is it! No one else will be infected!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

10 Year Anniversary

We will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary tomorrow. WOW! Can't believe it's been that long. Seems like yesterday. We were hoping to go away for the weekend but with the economy the way it is and Bowater closing 2 weeks since Christmas, we figured it would be best to wait until we know more about what is going on there. Going away isn't going to make a difference, we are going out for a nice dinner Saturday.

What a week! Ugh!

Vanessa has been sick all week! Been to the doctor twice. Gotta love always paying those docs! Anyway...she has been out of school all week and will not go back until Monday. I can't wait for spring! I am soo tired of all the sickness! Well, gotta go take care of my baby!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lauren taken August 2008 Vanessa taken August 2008

The Latest News

Well, it has been a while since I last posted anything. I actually forgot about the blog. Just to catch you up...I got me a part time job in October at Pleasant Dale Baptist Church. I love that place and have started visiting there. The people are wonderful! I have really enjoyed getting out of the house after 7 years of being a stay at home mom. The hours are great. I go to work after I take the girls to school and I am able to pick them up in the afternoons. My schedule is very flexible. They are really nice and understand that family is a priority, so when the girls are sick they understand that I can't come in and work with my schedule.

Other news, Chris and I have started dieting and working out. We have both lost about 5 pounds in the last week.

The girls are doing great in school! Lauren has made honor roll all year and Vanessa has made a 100 on all of her spelling tests she has had. First graders don't get real grades on report cards but her teacher grades the test with A & B grades. They are both VERY smart!

I will try to post weekly but I may forget again. lol